Monday, April 4, 2011

We finally finished up all of our errands and headed for the Vermilion Cliffs.  It was evening by the time we got to our camp site at an old ranch and we very much enjoyed the scenery while we cooked dinner and contemplated our new house for the next seven months.  Ron had built a platform system in the back of the Tundra complete with hatches we can open and store things inside and enough crates/Tupperware to store all of our kitchen/food items.  We made cushions to go over the platform and with the shell on the truck, we are tucked in and comfortable.

We woke up early (we need some curtains to keep the sun out) and went for a hike to find some petroglyphs in House Rock Wash.  Before we left the truck a bunch people pulled up and commenced a discussion on whether the ravens flying around were condors or not.  Not much after they left we spotted 6 condors flying at the top of the cliffs.  The condors were a nice sight until we were up a couple of cliff bands and they were hanging around waiting to see if we would be their afternoon lunch.

The weather was beautiful so we continued to head north along House Rock Wash and then through Cottonwood Canyon where we did a couple hikes through slot canyons.  We made it to Kodachrome Basin for a hot shower and a good night sleep.  We woke up to the sound of snow on the truck shell, we decided to check the weather report.  It looked cold, windy, and snowy.  We decided to veto our other plans and tuck into my parents house near Bryce Canyon for a couple days then head to Death Valley, via Zion NP and Vegas, where it would be warmer.  It was a bit of an ambush on my parents since we were 5 days early and could not call them due to cell service until we were about 3 minutes away.  Luckily my parents are awesome and were excited to see us anyway.  We enjoyed a tour of the place they are staying, dinner, wine, a tour of Bryce Canyon (you can see their RV from the Bryce Canyon overlook!!), and some homemade soup and pie.  We are currently setting in to watch the NCAA finals.  As a side note, this is the most up-to-date this blog has ever been; it will not stay that way...

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