Monday, April 4, 2011


We were quickly relieved of our anxiety in dealing with real life after seeing and talking to our friends and it was really good to be back for a bit.  We prepped the trailer for sale and tucked into Mark and Amber Adams house for a two week stay (we really want to thank them for letting us stay for such a long time! and letting us put all of our stuff in their garage!  and letting us park our giant trailer outside their house!).  Ron had to work for two weeks and dropping him off at the USGS that first day was a little strange since we had not been more than 50 feet apart for 4 months.

I did a backpacking trip in the Superstitions near Phoenix with Lisa Skinner over the weekend.  We did a loop around Weavers Needle, saw a big horned sheep, had a fantastic time, and it was amazingly beautiful.  Lisa's dog Cinder acted as our guard dog and even though we really tired the dog out, she still managed to bark at a night hiker and scare him to death.

The trailer was sold after two weeks and we moved over to Brent and Paige's house (thank you, thank you, thank you!!!).  Ron did a lot of skiing, I did a little.  It was really great to see everyone!!  We ate some delicious Golden Dragon Bowl and managed to pack up the truck for  Phase II.  With no real plan except to see my parents in Utah, we left Flagstaff.

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