Sunday, July 17, 2011

Canada, Eh?

From Glacier NP we headed north into Canada.  We had to talk our way in.  The guy asked us tons of questions: Why are you here?  For how long?  You don’t have jobs?  How much money do you have?  Can you verify that by accessing your accounts online?  You are from Arizona?  You must have firearms?  No?  Isn’t that unusual?  Our first stop was Waterton National Park.  We checked out the Prince of Whales Hotel and had a beer in the lounge.  Very authentic!  There was fox hunting wall paper and a very nice bartender who gave us suggestions on routes to drive.  Ron spoiled me and made popcorn, jambalaya, and brownies for my birthday. 


When we woke up we should have taken the clue about how popular Canada Day (July 1st for you yankees) was when the RV’s were piling into the campground at the break of dawn (ok, it was ).  People were definitely getting set up for the holiday weekend so we unwisely decided to head out for another campground in the foothills of the Rockies just southwest of Calgary.  Turns out that everyone was heading from Calgary to the same area and all of the camps were full.  We ended up taking a dirt road that was not on our map and found a great camp.  The crowds piled in but we stayed where we were and found a couple of great hikes in the front range of the Rockies to keep us busy for the long weekend.  On to Banff…

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