Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Savannah, GA

Oh the land of spanish moss and a plethora of historical markers.  On the way to Savannah we discovered Ron's new favorite food - Hot Boiled Peanuts!!  Ok, he was really upset that they were more like a bean than a peanut. We arrived refreshed and rejuvenated after our stay in Atlanta.  Skidaway Island State Park (awesome) was our home for the duration of the stay.  We checked out the Green-Meldrim House which was General Sherman's headquarters while he was there.  Our tour guide was an older lady who informed us that "some people still aren't over it, but me, I'm from Boston".  She also gave us a tour of the church next door where tourists are generally not allowed.  We also saw the cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Tybee Island, the Bee Company, and the tourist strip.


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